Something terrible clearly happened in Herki's drug addled state, something which I'm sure he'll blame himself for whether he's responsible for it or not. Did he lose control of the fire within? Did his father or the snakeling creep back in to do something wicked? Did he stumble into and through a window and literally fell into darkness? The characters in your stories have a tendency to grip readers in a way that makes us want to keep going. I want to see where this goes, what fate befell Herki and Ari and everyone else in this game of passions and youthful courtly intrigues.

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Thank you so much!🩶 I didn’t think anybody would like it... at all... it gets rejected from publishers and agents. One wrote that the story lacks logic and it’s not understandable. I did change the beginning, it flows better now. I’m so happy you found it interesting. I might share it on Substack temporarely. It is Warrior Wednesday tomorrow after all. 🙂

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Agents are also on the lookout for a very specific sort of thing and tend not to like work that deviates too far from that. They want safe and easy, something that's formulaic and quick to market. Trend breakers - who can often become trend setters - tend to be rare in traditional publishing unless they're already established. Whatever some may feel about them, the likes of Neil Gaiman, George R. R. Martin, and Ursula K. Le Guin are able to do the whole mold breaking thing because they already established themselves in the industry. It's much harder for newer authors like us to do that the traditional way because the industry is risk averse and doesn't want to gamble on unknown names that won't guarantee sales. Fortunately for us, we have independent options available. It's not perfect, but at least it actually gives us the means to get our passions out there for others to read and enjoy, as I've been doing with this and Last Daughter :)

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