Life and death, death and life. There's a pervasive feeling of mysticism in this chapter, all of which ties in nicely to the wintry motif throughout. Much changes here, and as is so often the case, the more things change the more they remain the same. The cold and snow have borne many obstacles into the paths of our would-be protectors of the Lake. How shall they overcome them? I look forward to finding out.

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Thank you!🩶 I don’t know if you know (but maybe you know?) that your comments are such treasures... Sorry for me being so melodramatic, writing isn’t going good today. As well as reading and... everything else in general. Just one of those days. I’ve began The Last Daughter of Dragons, but. I’m afraid it’s boring. It doesn’t feel as dark as the Daughter of Wolves. It feels too... flirty. Ugh. Not what I wanted.🤦‍♀️

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I know the feeling with the whole riding not going like you would hope thing. It's been a struggle on my end, too. Trust in yourself, though. Easier to say than do, but you do have a lot of skill. Trust in that. I was feeling the exact same way with ch4 of The Castle on the Hill, yet after I released it everyone who read it told me it was the best chapter yet. I didn't see it that way at all, so I just had to trust in what I learned.

Besides, we can always go back and edit later 😉

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