I just binged this! I enjoyed it! It could use a good edit but it’s mostly typos and formatting, all easily fixed. These characters act as young as they are, although sometimes they seem to be immature for their age. But eh, I was probably that dramatic and judge mental at that age too.

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Thank you for reading it! Sadly I’m not a professional editor, nor can I afford one for every bit of my writing. The MC’s are sixteen.

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I hear you. Sometimes you just need to step away, come back and look at it (I find all sorts of things once I print it out) and read through it with fresher eyes. Mark anything that doesn’t flow … and of course the typos and formatting pieces… and it’s already one step better. I don’t have anyone edit my work (although I did once I found a publisher but those days are no more). You can ask someone else to give it a read, just be very clear on your boundaries (that is, please help me find typos, I don’t need help with characters or world building). Sixteen, married and having children. Seems awfully young. But that explains a lot.

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It’s a medieval-ish kind of setting, they were considered adults by the standarts of those times, well at least in that world. Being so young makes their situation even more tragic, which I was kind of aiming for.

Oh, the editing... as much as I hate it, I try to do it as best as I can, with the resources I have. And yes, it has been beta-read. The person is a native english speaker/writer, and my long-time writing buddy. She helped me eliminate most of the mistakes. But of course, she isn’t a professional editor.

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You can’t always catch everything! And yes, medievalist is certainly different times from now!

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