So what if I know I'm good and by getting more subscribers I feel happy that other people now know I'm good too? Arrogance is fine, right? Right?

In all seriousness, I had a book blog for years and never got anywhere. In less than a year on Substack, I have had a gazillion times more success, so it feels like my time spent writing, and the choice to pursue it online even when no one really supported me, has metaphorically paid off. I've been in the "I have no subscribers" camp for so long, that to finally have even a sliver of success is...it means a lot to me. I am no longer writing into a void and hearing other people talk about how they have built an audience here helped me decide not to quit. I don't feel (much) jealousy at other's high numbers, but rather, "That could actually be me one day." So I press on.

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I’ve been in the no-sub-club too. Not a good place to be. I am grateful and happy about where I am now. But I’m not sharing the numbers. Why would I? It’s illusive. There was this one glitch on Substack in spring, when the subs where gone! I felt bummed. It could all be gone just like that! Don’t get attached to numbers.

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I love your rants- keep them coming 👍

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This also ties in with the way indie and self pubbed authors lrice their books. The whole my work is shit thing has resulted in a race to the bottom with free and 0.99 books. It needs to stop as it's taught readers to expect and demand indie works be free or virtually free and it hurts all of is.

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Don't think it helps that Substack sends you the stats and asks you to share it. I never do for the record.

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I usually ignore the stats reports they send, although I do look at the stat numbers in the app. A lot. It just shows how frail my confidence is.

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I do too so don't worry.

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What if I wrote a bit of fiction about my numbers? Huh? Can I still share it as my work or is it sharing numbers? 😜😜😜😜😜

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Do it! And tag me afterward! I’ll read it.😉

But the question remains - are you (or the person doing it) so desperate to share numbers, that you write a whole story to do it?

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Sep 18Liked by Kathrine Elaine

I agree about the posts on sub counts - while there are numerous reasons and rationalizations for doing so, at the end of the day - so? Numbers are illusory. Let your work speak for itself, and everything else will fall where it will.

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Not every feeling needs to be said out loud. We have to exercise patience and work on our confidence while coming to terms with our negative internal voice by doing positive actions for ourselves as creatives (like you said, share the work, see how it resonates with the readers, and go from there).

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Sep 17Liked by Kathrine Elaine

a) because I'm arrogant and compare myself with the best. If I think it's shit-why can't I say it? I can still like it by the way, at least temporarily. Some shit can be liked. Strangely so.

Or I can dislike it but readers do. actually I find it hard to predict. Whatever I consider to be my better work-often won't align with what people seem to think, and vice versa.

I have many, many other rules for myself I follow quite strictly, and this is just not one of them.

And- I am of course unsure of myself. That's good, for when I'm sure I might be difficult to deal with.

I am also moody, and impulsive, and it will show in how I treat what I write, -it allows me though to keep it all at bay and be more consistent around people, which is kinda more important.

A couple of folks close to me, they love me or want to support me, and show me error of my ways, so they tell me "never apologize" and "why shit?" , and while it might ring true, and I love them back, -I also know they might not be objective, and maybe don't know a good poem from a bad one too. Only I know, see above, lol. See, about this I'm sure, thus impossible.

b) indeed, why do they, as those numbers are displayed under their names, if one is interested-but on the other hand, what do I know, everybody and their reasons. My reasons shouldn't concern themselves with numbers at all-which doesn't mean I am not concerned, one starts on a road thinking this and that but road has its own mind.

c) love your rants, please continue

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Thank you!🩶

I think it takes a mature mindset to respect one’s own work, even if they realize it might not be their best. We learn, we grow.

I believe you shouldn’t address your work with diminishing words, at least in public. Words have power. I’m not even being esoteric or something. A word is a materialized thought. It is real and it impacts things. No wonder the big religions have prayers consisting of words. They point out the importance of words.

If a car mechanic, for example, treats his tools like trash - would you call him a good mechanic? Would you trust him with your car, knowing how he treats his own tools?

Your words are your tools. Treat them well.

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Sep 17Liked by Kathrine Elaine

I am with you completely about the power of the words. Actually, their power is huge. So one should be indeed very careful.

-Maybe I am scared of the power they carry and want to blunt my tools some.

-Sometimes, I find them carrying less power, for whatever reason, usually because time passed and I see them in a different light-so I just judge them differently, and its okay.

-I never diminish anything or anybody in public(or I want to hope so)-at least with myself I am allowed to, which might be cool, for a change.

Thank you for giving the readers the rant-and the platform to rant))

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Great rant! When I hit 1k subscribers I felt obliged to write one of those godawful pieces about what I've learnt on my journey and how I'm grateful to the community and blah blah blah. But I threw up a little in my mouth whenever I thought about it. And I'm also lazy and could not be arsed. So I didn't.

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Sep 16Liked by Kathrine Elaine

This makes too much sense, therefore you will get a lot of hate for it.

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Thanks. It’s been pretty calm since I published this. I think I’ve pissed off everybody I could with my previous rants, they’ve blocked or muted me, so I can rant on my own.😂

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Kathrine Elaine

ohhh Thank goodness! I don't think I ever shared my sub numbers. But I think at times I have said the work did look bad maybe but not in the writing but with the pots. I think it not only speaks of lack of confidence or taking responsibility for the mistakes, but also pads for criticism. If you wine a bit about how the work is crappy and then someone points out something you can tell them "Yeah I really messed that up just like I said" But all of that becomes a self fulfilling prophesy and as you say can cause you to have a bad time.

I don't need to make work or write for everyone. I just need to write and make pots for the folks who care. At times it might be one other time it might be a few hundred. Just like I worry about other potters looking at my work a little, I tiny worry about other writers reading because I know certain things will bug them. So don't read my shit Kathrine. But at the same time they will be able to tell the level I am at. So far I'm fine with both as when I hear feed back , if they are coming from good sources I write it down to work on if I feel I need to. Same with the pots. But if it's just amazon reviews or someone random I don't really listen but just say "Thanks for the feedback, But what I create might not be for you. It sounds you you might like the work of ______________."

Well a good book on it all by Stephen Pressfield. "Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t: Why That Is And What You Can Do About It."

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Great points!!! As a newbie to substack, and as someone sharing my scribbles in public- it's a bit terrifying. I'm doing it for fun, but, almost immediately felt a craving for a zillion fans!!

What's already apparent though, is that there are some FANTASTIC people here, with lots of knowledge and experience, who will jump in, unsolicited, and help you!! So while I don't think there's anything wrong with tailoring your content to your audience a bit as you develop one- I'd suggest this: listen to those who have a good writing resume. Cultivate their friendship, and take to heart what they have to say. I'd guess that if you do that, the numbers will come!! Just don't let it be your focus. As someone who's hit the Stats button waaaay more than the New Post button, I understand. But I'm working on not being that person. You should too...!!❤️

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Well ranted!

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Sep 15Liked by Kathrine Elaine

Great point about both types of behaviour coming from the same root cause!

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Sep 15Liked by Kathrine Elaine

I like today's rant. Make sure you follow your own advice about respecting your work (because it's good!). 😉

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Sometimes my own writing teaches me stuff (it’s Dustin, I tell ya’! Remember him?😅)

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Sep 16Liked by Kathrine Elaine

How can I ever forget Mr. Dustin T. Hill? 😎

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If the writer doesn't respect their work how can they expect others to? Always stand by your work and never Diss it.

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