Jun 26Liked by Kathrine Elaine

Did anyone else go through the list mentally ticking off their own bad habits?

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Oh my goodness, I laughed out loud. I also can't stick to first person present tense. Far too close. I like my privacy.

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Jun 26Liked by Kathrine Elaine

I hope I'm not guilty of any of these things.

I try to make it easy to read and entertaining.

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Jun 26Liked by Kathrine Elaine

You're hard to please))

(I'm not a writer-just mentally going over the books I love, or like)

but that was an entertaining post to read, thank you-and I agree with ..yep, one should be grateful he finds his readers.

(Of course I'd love to write like Pushkin, and in a way I do, subconsiously, such great is his influence, understood it fully after recent re-reading of two tomes he wrote out of 3 I own-only he's Pushkin, and I'm not.)

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Ah… I love Onegin. I’m glad I could read it in russian (my grandfather was russian). I think poetry should be read in the language it was written in.

Yeees, I’m hard to please now, but it wasn’t always like this. I’m sad I have lost the innocent reader I once was.

Thank you for reading this rant of mine!🩶

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Jun 26Liked by Kathrine Elaine

Ideally yes, but for this one should know many languages, which is not always the case, als we used to have some brilliant translators in my youth.-and yes, I was re-reading "Onegin", started with it-enjoyed it so much. Each time you re-read with a different perspective and understanding

Thank you again!

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Jun 26Liked by Kathrine Elaine

Ah, but what about the classic “Fuck. Fuck. *Fuck.*”? Do I detect a loophole? ;)

I get it. I had to quit a book I'd been really looking forward to because the author was taking three times as long as necessary to handle basic plot actions. I kept thinking, "this could have been a serialized novella on Substack and I'd be all over it, but I'm not going to read about your pretty boy wallowing in his emotions for thirty pages before fate compels him to go chase the girl."

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I'm in almost total agreement with your list! Especially with the modern swearing in fantasy; that drives me crazy.

Life's too short to read things that annoy you. Keep the picky preferences!

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Loved this! The podcast "If Books Could Kill" ruined many books for me! I had a list but once I learned about filler content to extend the length of books I crossed a bunch out. Also I now find "Airport Books" annoying and time wasters. Not sure what to do now! 😭😭😭😆

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I might have made a mistake of using emojis in the comment section of a substack post. Is it good etiquette or not?

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I have no idea about etiquette here, because I use emojis all the time!😂 Thank you for reading my ramblings.🩶

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Okay, great to know. Im just a pottery artist but do know, just from reading I would never want you angry at me. 😆😆

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Kathrine Elaine

Whoops, I like to over describe and go over the top. Guilty as charge. I am also inexperienced with sharing stories with people so they are pretty much getting a look at how I tell a story to myself.

And don't get me started on the love of twisting fantasy characters, haha, though I have never written fae before.

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“Preachiness. I don’t need your political views oozing from your fictional story.”

Girl, same. If there’s one thing that annoys me about storytelling, it’s when there’s something out of place written in just for the sake of putting it in there. It’s not even the message itself that really bothers me, it’s the way it’s incorporated. If it doesn’t make sense to the story and just there to check a box, I’m not interested.

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Jun 26Liked by Kathrine Elaine

Do I detect a little bit of Dustin T. Hill there? 😎 I'm not sure I'm a monster, but I sure love reading your stories! 💜

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Thank you, Jeannine!🩶 Dustin still lives in the darkest corner of my mind. 😂

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I know what you mean.

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Well, I do 1 & 2 (I won't say I'm guilty of, because I'm doing it intentionally). I do try to give every first person character a voice (though I'm always afraid they just sound like me).

I can't stand present tense (at best it's tiring).

I think I keep my names pronounceable. You still might not pronounce them the way I hear them, but you still should be able to come up something without thinking about it.

Hopefully the rest I don't do too often.

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