May 23Liked by Kathrine Elaine

The cold-blooded scribe sat reading and swore to keep his cool no matter what. He was a Snakeling, after all! And if anybody could stand temptations, it would be them.

I think the snakeling overestimates his own strength. He's in for a rude awakening.

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May 23Liked by Kathrine Elaine

Those are very naughty princesses!

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Yes they are! Guess where do they get it from? Their parents are Gema and Ash (from the One Hundred refusals). Yes, I’m still ‘living’ in that world. I’m still planning to write the rest of the Refusals story, to show how those two finally got together. Promises, promises, I’ve got too many unfinished projects on my hands.🙄

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May 23·edited May 23Liked by Kathrine Elaine

Well, that explains a lot! 😅 It's a nice world, and there seem to be an endless supply of stories lurking in it. J.R.R. Tolkien spent most of his writing life in Middle Earth, and see where it got him? 😊 Take your time with the stories, they'll come out eventually.

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I sense a KEU in the making.

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